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Últimas atualizações

Book Review: DuckDB in Action
SummarizingTokenWindowChatMemory: Enhancing LLM’s Conversations with Efficient Summarization
JavaFX Links of February 2025
Spring Cloud Stream: Demystifying Event-Driven Architecture
Front End Debugging Part 3: Networking
Building local LLM AI-Powered Applications with Quarkus, Ollama and Testcontainers
Java 24 : What’s New?
Checking out Junie, a coding agent by JetBrains
Sliding Window Counter Rate Limiter (Redis & Java)
Foojay Podcast #67: Writing a book. Does it make you rich and famous?
Pi4J Welcomes Java 21 on the Raspberry Pi
Event-Driven Architecture and Change Data Capture Made Easy
Securing Vaadin Applications with Microsoft Entra
Webinar: Find Undead Code in Your Java Environments
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Building a Declarative API with Spring AOP and SpEL
Foojay Podcast #66: Let’s Talk About Java Code! Diving into a few Foojay blog posts…
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