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Este é o /dev/All: o agregador de sites que produzem conteúdo sobre desenvolvimento de software, mantido pela itexto Consultoria!

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DevOps, FLOSS and Cloud Native News, Tutorials and Reviews #EngineeringSessions

Últimas atualizações

[PT-BR] DevOps Tools 2025: PART 1 #devops #toolkit
[PT-BR] NIX Gonna Kill Containers? #warroom
[PT-BR] Devbox: Taskfile pipeline + Github Actions Workflow
[PT-BR] Taskfile: Pipelines
[PT-BR] Livros e Referências BR das #engineeringsessions Parte 2
[PT-BR] Devbox: Profiles, Export to Devcontainers and Dockerfile
[PT-BR] Devbox: Ruby + Github Actions Hello World Project
[PT-BR] Devbox: Introduction
[PT-BR] Intro Canal: 2025
[PT-BR] 2024 Retro: Redis, LLMs, No-Cloud and more #retro2024
[PT-BR] Python #WARROOM #7
[PT-BR] Pragmatic Dev #engineeringsessions #s04Finale
[PT-BR] Kestra - Introduction #orchestration #platform
[PT-BR] Software Crisis #engineeringsessions #s04e19
[PT-BR] JakartaEE Report 2024 #engineeringsessions #s04e18
[PT-BR] CONNAISSEUR & NOTARY POLICIES #DevOpsChallenge #Vol1 #Finale
[PT-BR] Notary: Sign Containers #DevOpsChallenge #7 #vol1
[PT-BR] devopsnapraia.org 12 de Dezembro 2024, Ed. Transparente, Matosinhos
[PT-BR] Distribution and Harbor: Container Registry #DevOpsChallenge #6 #Vol1
[PT-BR] Ephemeral Containers: Debugging and Troubleshooting #DevOpsChallenge #5